essay writing


‘Technological Fix': Humanoid Robotics as Socio-Political Strategy in Japan

Robots pervade workplaces, homes, and bodies. I embarked on this topic as I was interested in the ethical and cultural implications of advancing technologies (e.g. robotics) on people and societies. We often forget that humans are behind the creation of technologies — which are created to interact with us — and thus they hold human sentiments and even biases. Through this dissertation, I hope to highlight that robotics could reveal what it means to be human — our desires, identities, and politics, in conceptualising and interacting with them.

Selected essays

These are selected essays I wrote while reading a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology at University College London, which delve into social, material, visual, and digital cultures. These involved in-depth literary and online research, essay writing, and observations of movement within spaces.

Data materiality and its powers (in response to “Data is material. Discuss with references to at least two empirical studies.”)

Socio-technical relations: Social and technical domains as mutually constitutive (in response to “Is the division between technical domains and social domains relevant from an ethnographic perspective?”)

How does a material culture perspective enrich our understanding of social life?

Can buildings make people?

Superkilen in Nørrebro: A reflection on the effectiveness of the park as a place-strategy

Can acts of consumption enact political change? If so, how?

Coping through consumption: The significance of wearables (in response to “What does it mean to be human?”)

Is ‘marriage’ a universal feature of human societies?
︎ Essays can be shared upon request.